This film Ragnarocked my world...
...And here are my Thor’ts on it. THOR: RAGNAROK 4/5 - Exceeds expectations . We’re right back at it again with another Marvel blockbuster, but this one takes quite a different route. In this post ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) where everyone has found the funny side of life, this new version of ‘Thor’ really hits the ol’ funny bone. However, as much as I enjoy a good comedy, does this really fit the Thor franchise? Now I am going to do an incredibly brief summary as A LOT of things happen in this film and it would take forever to write it down; so here’s some main points: We first join Thorn (Chris Hemsworth) chained up, having been imprisoned during a trip to find some shiny rocks (the infinity stones). He is told by Surtur, a giant, flaming, demon monster, that Ragnarok, which in case you are unsure means “the ending of all things”, is coming to Thor’s home planet Asgard, and it can’t be stopped. During Thor’s absence, Odin (AnthonUIKeyInputDownA...